...هذا في بداية الشهر هنا بهذا العمود الازر...

  • 3 years ago
00:00This is at the beginning of the month here with this blue column here and this regression on it. Now, despite this decline in the volume of trading, we are witnessing
00:09ups and downs
00:11it has become a quick fluctuation. Why? Because at the beginning of this month, we started talking
00:17about a shifter or a micron. Of course, the talk started since the end of November, but
00:22the intensity of the talk about or micron , what will it mean for the markets ? What would it mean for possible shutdowns? That's what I pushed
00:30on the morale of investors whether in the American markets or even in the Asian or European markets.
00:36But if we look at the American markets in particular, this talk cast a shadow on the markets, the closures have been torture,
00:45for stocks, the shares of companies that are linked to work from home. This is the support of some technological shares.
00:51But the talk about closures and talk about the possibility of economic slowdown has had a severe impact on market declines.
01:01Then came the talk about the Biden package that
01:04The question marks started to revolve around it, especially after the rejection of the American Democratic Senator Joe from the evil of this package
01:12and what it might mean for the economic slowdown or
01:15I mean, there was a great reliance on it by the American economy. So all of these factors led in general to the pressure on the market,
01:24In return, there was good news from
01:26Our boss, good news from Pfizer about his centuries-old medicine. So news that supports the market one day
01:34and news that put pressure on the market another day,
01:36Therefore, these violent fluctuations that we have seen on the American markets
01:53This is if the indicators recorded gains in yesterday's session. Palacio arrived with five hundred to record the summit
01:59New record. The futures of the year in fifty add ten points
02:03in the meantime, with rises to about ten points, and the futures of the double index will also be on gains in the meantime by
02:12Twenty-one points
02:13We are talking about good gains in the American markets in continuation of what we saw in yesterday's session.
02:19Of course, we remember that this is a shorter week than the normal weeks of trading
02:25due to the presence of the Christmas holiday, and this is reflected in general on the relatively weak trading volumes compared to
02:33Regular weeks and regular days of trading.
02:39But if we look
02:41to the European markets. What does the picture look like today? We had collective gains on the European markets, and this was the case since
02:50yesterday's session or since the day's session
02:53Tuesday in particular, we remember the days of Younis Fox adding sixteen.