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  • 3 years ago
00:00on the security guarantees were drafted or sent to Washington as well as to the European capitals.
00:06It added that Moscow is waiting for what will be the response from the American side
00:10It's the Europeans.
00:14to reduce military tensions in Europe. The Russian Foreign Ministry revealed security guarantees, the most prominent of which are the commitment and the NATO countries
00:23by excluding Ukraine's accession to the alliance and its expansion.
00:26In addition, Russia and NATO pledge not to deploy medium- and short-range missiles
00:34in areas that allow each party to hit the other's lands.
00:38Russia and NATO must also commit themselves not to creating conditions assessed as a threat. and the security guarantees
00:47In its articles, it includes Russia's invitation to the NATO
00:50to work on preventing naval and air accidents in the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea. Under the Russian proposals, Moscow and Washington pledge
01:00by not conducting military exercises
01:03the same scenario of the use of nuclear weapons. In addition, it allows the deployment of troops and weapons in Europe
01:10in exceptional cases with the approval of Russia and the members of Mito.
01:14Under the proposed draft, Russia and the United States are committed to removing the infrastructure to deploy nuclear weapons outside their territory.
01:23Russia also proposes to NATO to abandon any military activity in Ukraine and Eastern Europe
01:29The Caucasus and Central Asia. Russian conditions stipulate U.S. commitment to prevent NATO's eastward expansion
01:38and the failure of countries from the former republics to join the Soviet Union
01:42To the alliance.
01:45Trade joins the list of mutual accusations between Washington and Moscow. The United States has accused the Russian government of failing to meet its WTO commitments.
01:56U.S. trade representative says Russia has arrived
02:00Economic change on a path that deviates from the WTO guidelines,
02:06The claim against Russia relates to import substitution policy and restrictions
02:11on the imports of agricultural products.
02:16In response to the American accusations, the Russian presidency rejected the statements of the American commercial representative regarding its violation of the rules of the World Trade Organization.
02:26Moscow said that it does not agree with Washington, especially with regard to the accusations
02:31on imposing agricultural import restrictions and replacement policies that are contrary to the laws of the world organization.
02:43The United States has accused Russia of failing to abide by WTO rules. In return,
02:49Russia opposes these accusations and confirms its commitment to the rules of the organization
02:54through which it obtained or obtained benefits in return for its commitment.