Stars of 83: Ranveer Singh, Kabir Khan celebrate India's World Cup win with Kapil Dev, Sunil Gavaskar

  • 2 years ago
The OG stars of the 1983 World Cup - Kapil Dev, Sunil Gavaskar, Syed Kirmali, K Srikkanth, Kirti Azad, Sandeep Patil, among others, came together with the stars of 83, the movie - Ranveer Singh, Tahir Raj Bhasin, Harrdy Sandhu, and others, along with the captain of the ship, Kabir Khan, for a special show by Rajdeep Sardesai. They spoke about recreating India's historical win on celluloid, the hard work that went into getting each of the cricketers' body language right, and more.
