...حشود تزيد خوف الغرب من غزو الروسية أن أو...

  • 3 years ago
00:00The crowds are increasing the West's fear of the Russian invasion that Ukraine, despite in Moscow
00:06Fear increases day after day, and the United States sees a military clash soon,
00:11The Pentagon is sending a team to Kiev to assess its needs for self-defense, and Washington is warning its citizens not to travel to Ukraine.
00:21The drums of war seem to have begun to read the pious war of the Ukraine's allies
00:26military intervention in it, but on the other hand, they continue to reveal the weapons of sanctions in the face of Russia, warning it of a high price
00:36For any breach of Ukrainian sovereignty.
00:40As for Russia, it confirms its readiness to talk with the European Union and the United States to avoid the clash, but it wants European and American guarantees
00:49related to the security of Russia
00:51including the withdrawal of the NATO forces to the sites where they were stationed in 1997, before the expansion of the alliance
00:59to include former Soviet countries
01:02in eastern europe . In the first European safeguards talks, the Russian President arrives with his French counterpart to discuss the Ukrainian situation and the Russian proposals,
01:11He also called the new German chancellor
01:14Coinciding with US expectations of holding a dialogue with Moscow on Ukraine and the European security
01:21will get to know the latest stations about the security guarantees demanded by Russia
01:29The bad relations between Russia and the West and the consequent risks in conjunction with the military build-up on the Russian-Ukrainian border,
01:39Moscow paid on December 10, 2021
01:44to warn of the danger of a big confrontation with NATO.
01:50The danger of that confrontation prompted the Russian President Vladimir Putin on the 15th of the same month
01:56to announce his desire to launch immediate negotiations with the United States and NATO
02:02with the aim of developing international legal guarantees for the security of his country.
02:08On the same day, Russia announced that the United States would hand over a list of proposals including the legal guarantees it demands for its security
02:17which it considers to be threatened due to the tension with Ukraine.
02:22A few days later, on December 17, the Deputy Spokesman for the Secretary-General of the United Nations announced
02:29about the organization's welcoming of the dialogue between Russia and the United States
02:33De-escalation, arms control and the protection of regional peace. And on the same day
02:39White House responds to Russian security proposals, guarantees
02:43he expressed his readiness to discuss those proposals after consulting with the allies .
02:49The American response did not please Russia, as Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov expressed his country's disappointment
02:57As a result of initial responses by the States.