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  • 3 years ago
00:00We're sure about the French
00:05They still maintain the military and economic presence in these countries or colonies
00:12in the past, but the US policies
00:18It's still changing constantly. we have seen these changes during the presidency of president george bush when the priority was the fight against terrorism ,
00:29And then Barack Obama's presidency, when the priority was to develop and democratic growth in these systems,
00:39And also under Trump's presidency, what was the priority
00:43represented in the competition of other international forces. Biden is
00:48the foreign policies were not deposited until this moment. I think that the United States will maintain the political influence, but what will be the priorities of this influence and policies? How will Biden exploit these mechanisms?
01:02I mean the military assets and interests. This is not clear so far.
01:10OK, I will go back to my guest Mr. Albert from France, and I ask you, the French President visited in the last stage, he made a Gulf tour
01:18the conclusion of weapons deals, which were described, according to the French Minister of Armies
01:23that it is historic because of the big numbers. He visited Lebanon and launched initiatives for a solution.
01:29He visited Iraq and also wanted to help Iraq establish stability and security.
01:34Is this perhaps, are we witnessing a change in the French doctrine at this stage
01:39And there is no more focus on the Middle East in light of this great decline in Africa
01:52we look at the economic potential which is
02:01much more in the Middle East,
02:04But I think it is wrong for France to decide to abandon Africa or withdraw from it
02:13because the reasons that led to
02:17france acquires an internationally influential novo . It was thanks to Africa. There are French-speaking countries
02:26French is an instrument of geopolitical influence and this is mainly concentrated in Africa. There is also the African bloc, which is a group of twenty countries
02:39Africa was a French colonial
02:44it is old and usually supports the French position in the United Nations and especially in the Security Council.
02:52You know that France is a permanent member of the Security Council. These countries support France in its position and if it withdraws.