...الانجاز الاقتصادي الذي هو مبتغى للمنطقة ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00the economic achievement that is desired for the whole region.
00:04Thank you all very much. Ronnie expressed the lack of time. I thank my guest from Tehran, former diplomat Dr. Hadi Africa. Thank you very much for coming with us from Doha. thank
00:14Professor of Political Science at the University of Qatar, Dr. Mohammed Al-Masfer, thank you very much for your presence and from Riyadh
00:19Senior Adviser and Director of the International Studies Program at the Gulf Research Center, Dr. Hisham Al-Ghanam. Thank you very much, your honor
00:27If we have reached the end of this week's episode on the border, thank you for watching and goodbye in next week's episode on the same date
00:37I'll see you
00:39Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:09I am
01:18In Iran, there is a race between hunger and uranium. Which one kills more
01:23forty years the number of the poor increases in one of the most famous countries rich in minerals and wealth
01:30Forty years, the number of opponents of the regime of turbans is increasing.
01:36The Iranians no longer trust their opposition,
01:40They see it as a distraction that only the media can bring together.
01:45Mr. Sanabruk Zahedi, President of the Judiciary Council of the National Council of Iranian Resistance, the stage of Mr. Zahid. The tone of the change of the Iranian regime has become widespread,
01:53But there are those who say that the system has not changed. The West wants the current regime
01:57In a way. Do you really think that
02:00May the Iranian regime be changed by you and by the Iranian people on the line of the Iranian resistance and the Iranian people? strokes
02:07Qasim to the core of this regime, this regime in the town. the people are a very weak regime.
02:11But this system is needed. We're ready
02:16Why? Your voice is strong in the media, but it is not strong in the international community. We are supported by representatives that the people, we are supported by
02:26the international bodies, but the governments have interests at the expense of the Iranian people and at the expense of the peoples of the Middle East region
02:35the two red dicks