...اذن يحدث البركان شكوكا ، وتنساب الحمم ال...

  • 3 years ago
00:00So the volcano creates uncertainty, and the lava flows past itself through these cracks, leading to these crater alignments Yes
00:10If we look carefully, we find that 30 craters of Da Mustafa horizontally popped around Pico
00:22As the lava climbs to the surface, the volcano agrees, creating uncertainty and issuing that it can be more easily fitted.
00:32This process results in lateral explosions that pose a particular danger to the population, because lava
00:40It emanated from the base of the volcano, not the top of it
00:43Near populated areas.
00:46This is what happened in November 2014.
00:52The traces of sulfur are still visible here. What it means is that the bottom is still very hot. Yes, it's very hot. Oh, look.
01:07Jesus Christ. It's too hot.
01:12what is the temperature about eighty degrees celsius ? This is amazing. We really have a feeling we're getting closer to central heating.
01:24That's exactly right. That, too, always amazes me.
01:41Society built the town stone by stone with the power of the forearms.
01:48Everyone has helped, large and small, without exception, in a remarkable attempt to show a spirit of solidarity.
01:55Those who turned the volcano into a home bound their fate forever.
02:01We're in front of my big family affected. You know everyone. Right here
02:11God, I'm sorry.
02:12This is this. Teo Theo Montreux is a close friend and brother of a copy of me. See you.
02:24Do you always do that when you greet each other
02:28And after that? This is the heart. You guys really make up one family here? Yes, of course. We're all related here by marriage, first-degree relatives
02:39Second cousin. Intermingling with families before was common. That's why everyone here belongs to his family.
02:47Common ancestor of the F.N. Dowa, the entire population
02:51A famous adventurer who first settled in the volcanic Fukus was of French origin
