...بهذه المساحة وهذا ما اقصده ورأينا كيف ان...

  • 3 years ago
00:00in this area, and this is what I mean. We have seen how some projects were carried out without interference in Leon, in the Red Sea,
00:08in Asir, in the eastern region, in many areas
00:11It was executed without interference. Now, the main title of the programs of the Kingdom Vision 2030 projects
00:20are efficient strategic programs and projects
00:24It's run professionally
00:26prevent interference and prevent stumbling. It was applied in terms of financial expenditure, expected financial revenues, and the implementation time
00:35Fadl Al-Bu'aynayn, member of the Shura Council, you were with us from Jubail, thank you very much.
00:42The International Monetary Fund is assessing the size of the financial sector's losses in Lebanon, stressing that significant progress has been made in determining these losses
00:52amid the deterioration of the economic situation in the country.
00:55According to the IMF spokesman Jerry Rice, a delegation from the IMF
01:01He will visit Beirut early next year to continue discussions with the Lebanese government
01:06in order to set up an aid program. A delegation from the Fund visited Lebanon last week and held seventeen sessions, after which the negotiation was suspended pending
01:16Unification of Lebanese negotiators
01:19their estimates of the size of the financial losses that will be based on it or on which the support program will be based.
01:30We have with us from Beirut, Nesib Ghubril, the chief economist in The People's Bank Group. Welcome
01:36First, there is the request of the Monetary Fund from the Lebanese or from the negotiators to agree on the size of the losses. What's the number
01:46expected for these losses? Because in several numbers it comes from several places.
01:52There were several figures as you said with the previous government. There was a number for the previous government
02:00when the negotiations started in May 2020 and another number by the Bank of Lebanon.
02:06As for the current government, it pledged not to repeat the mistakes of the previous government
02:13It is working closely with the Bank of Lebanon to standardize these figures.
02:19The Lebanese Deputy Prime Minister, who is the first official in charge of the team, stated the negotiation with the Monetary Fund
02:27that the estimated losses are between sixty two billion and sixty nine billion dollars, i.e. the financial gap in the financial sector.
02:36The spokesman for the Monetary Fund, Jerry Rice, said yesterday
02:41that it agrees somewhat on the progress of the Lebanese authorities in the issue of determining these figures
02:53A delegation will come to Lebanon in the middle of next month.
02:57What started is not