...ان حكما قضائيا صدرت صدر من مختلف المحاكم...

  • 3 years ago
00:00that a judicial ruling was issued by various courts, from the primitive courts to the Court of Appeal to the Supreme Courts,
00:09So that means
00:11that this resistance was not a terrorist movement. On the contrary, it was a legitimate resistance movement against a repressive regime
00:20system diver
00:22Violates the beauty of the foundations and all the principles is man.
00:27How? affected you, and what is more, this classification in that period for three years and four years? Did that affect you any more? for example
00:34dealing with each other. Let us say that the lovers and supporters are not financial but even moral. Some governments are trying to communicate with you. Has it affected you or not?
00:44Of course, of course, this issue affected us as it was not
00:48four five years, but it started in 1997 and extended to two thousand four hundred. This means
00:58That's almost through
01:00Seventeen safe. We were in various terrorist cases, and of course this movement affected us a lot
01:08And based on this, based on this classification
01:13the residence of the US forces by striking the bases of the Iranian resistance in the border area between Iraq. Iran also in days
01:22the war that we are not a party
01:24in any war with America, but they also bombed a major one. There is also, and of course, it raised where a sponsor is in our activities. We are
01:33We made every effort with all the resources we had, the money, the
01:38Human balances. We spent all this to defend ourselves.
01:43defending the right of us and that we are not a terrorist movement, but we
01:49a legitimate resistance with a right at home, an Iranian in the world. Lovely. I want to ask now about
01:57the Iranian government on the issue of Iran,
02:00the first part and some the second part on the issue of the opposition, the issue of the Resistance Council.
02:06In a speech by the President-elect of the Republic, the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mariam Bakhtarijoi said
02:11means that the Iranian regime must be changed as well. When we talked with Shirin Ebadi, he said that we were thinking well of the Iranian regime, but now the regime must be changed.
02:21The tone of the change of the Iranian regime has become widespread
02:24But there are those who say that the system has not changed. The West does not believe in changing the regime, dealing with Tehran, dealing with the Supreme Leader,
02:31There are nuclear negotiations going on. The West wants the current regime
02:35In a way. Do you think that the Iranian regime may actually be changed by you and by the Iranian people, or are they dreams that cannot be achieved?
02:45Yeah, you could say it could be expensive
02:48that there are four years of struggle and forty four years of the survival of this regime. Why do you say that this regime can be changed? Yes
02:58If you look.