...الصورة قد تكون غير غامضة في برنامج إيران...

  • 3 years ago
00:00The picture may not be ambiguous in Iran's nuclear program. So even if Iran allowed, I mean, the installation of new sophisticated cameras in a facility
00:08Or in a compound
00:10the ninth, and it is located in Vienckers in western Iran after three months of suspension after Iranian claims that this facility
00:18she was attacked electronically . It can't be
00:21consider the pictures that were recorded in the past months. We are also talking about new centrifuges installed in a facility
00:30Another one. How many fordow facilities?
00:32So what? This picture is not clear and may be revealed by the Director General of the Atomic Energy Agency tomorrow when he holds his press conference
00:40at the headquarters of the agency here at the United Nations in Vienna
00:43to answer the course of this nuclear program as well as the course of monitoring and verification by the IAEA inspectors.
00:52So that press conference. And if we are told
00:55by European officials, that is a different track from the political track in Vienna, but of course Rami will affect. It'll prove the extent of this
01:05if there is compliance in the nuclear program, but it is clear from the statements.
01:10The spokesman of the Iranian atomic energy a little while ago said that the cameras will be put, but the international agency did not get the pictures
01:20Until it's settled
01:21here in the negotiations that if Iran uses this as a pressure card, it may hinder the progress. If there is clear progress, yes, it is clear, I mean, simply
01:31the slowness that we talked about since the beginning of the negotiations. Does it look like he's still communicating the same way? one step at a time
01:42Certainly, there may be a silence for the media during the past two days
01:48We intervene, I mean, with the officials who come from this hotel to the hotel
01:52On the other hand, where the American delegation is, they tell him what are the understandings? What are the positions between the two sides? we interfere with them in the talk, they say
02:01Everything is going well, but this accent is not found in facial expressions, but there are certainly pending issues
02:09Things. There is an American request in the presence of other alternatives in
02:13Southern Iran is on the table of direct dialogue with the United States without the intervention of mediators. There is a stance and intransigence from the Iranian side
02:22to lift the sanctions on it
02:24before talking about any nuclear compliance in its nuclear program or its disclosure. So maybe that's it
02:31or this is the concept of seriousness among the participating parties,
02:35We thank you very much, our correspondent from Vienna Badr Al-Azmi.
02:43Our bulletin continues and in it after a while
02:49the national security council discusses the crisis of manufacturing chips