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  • 3 years ago
00:00Why is it so high that yesterday the C.I. was strengthened
00:03The lion how? The shares in Five-Hendard register very high levels if we compare with the returns of the two years
00:10We became in the two Sheikhs in the picture that we have that, with good wine, it is clear that the levels that we are praying and they are rises that support the performance of the markets with the periods that are coming
00:19On the other hand.
00:20The performance of the investment funds in the heart of the markets, or more specifically, followed the emerging markets in that three
00:29Three indicators that I live up to their title yesterday, because they are the ones that follow Al-Futsi Indyk in that two American in
00:37Emerging markets during the session, such as the debt, were not for three indicators of Arab circulation, but before the announcement
00:46The FBI has detected a sharp drop in the core of the three indexes from a distance
00:51abroad, as there are indications of sugar at high altitudes in any
00:56levels, I mean, in the deputy, I mean, it was negative if we take the day level, but if three indicators get drunk on levels
01:04high or on the levels during the session on the other hand but we get a little idea what would happen if mubarak didn't go out last time
01:12the United States or the federal wanted to go back to work, or raise interest rates that were between the years
01:20two thousand four and two thousand and six, as between religion, and he was in our country throughout Monday
01:27I mean, we had, yesterday, all the world's indicators, I mean, what followed China was that the main thing was about us
01:34Wave Marks: how in India and Brazil, if we compare them to a solution, they all had almost a kind of performance
01:41but we take the green line specifically, which is Assad
01:45The name, during these four years, was not the best. It was the worst that could happen if they said
01:54with the rest of the markets, a place with the same support or with the same momentum that we have seen on the following indicators
01:59therefore, since the beginning, it was killed to forget whether the effects will be the same as the periods coming from a country
02:06In the end, we will not raise the interest rate. Will it have some kind of pressure on the US indicators? This is all his life
02:14the rate or the percentage of those who can go up
02:20Benefits. On the other hand, the European markets were yesterday to be slightly different, but if there was a retreat on the shoulder and they are very
02:29As I mentioned in the introduction, maybe not about the experiences of the world's scenario with regard to
02:35topics or Micronesia. The committee, because they are positive by investors, that there may be happy health rings or happy health rings, but it is clear that their effects
02:45it was not negative on the markets that
02:47Therefore, from the retreat, there was a decline in sedition, and that Hendrid, at the time when there were rises in us at Dax, many, and Leo Rostock in FT
02:55Asia this morning, despite the fact that we were at the beginning of the session optimistic that