...في اقليم دون باس بالطبع كل ذلك يساهم في...

  • 3 years ago
00:00in the province of Don Bass. Of course, all this contributes in
00:04to increase the size and complexity of this issue. And, of course, there are a lot of conditions
00:10imposed by the European Union for the accession of the Ukrainian state and to talk not only about its political conditions, but also the welfare
00:19Economics. Therefore, I think that the accession of Ukraine and not only Ukraine, but also the neighboring countries, such as my coach and Georgie
00:26to the European Union. This is a low possibility. It was also pointed out that there is no degree now. There is no consensus in the European Union in the European House on
00:37the accession of these countries. Russia of course plays a role in these convulsions because Moscow cares
00:45not to the absence and division of the position of the Islamists in the European Union.
00:52I want to ask you this question, Mr. Korf, perhaps it is not true for Ukraine, but perhaps other countries
00:59And maybe not now, but later. Is the blockage of the European door in the face of these countries
01:04Could he push her back to the Russian lap?
01:15Yes, there is no doubt about it. I agree on this issue. We need the continued partnership with the European Union because these countries
01:24East, which was called economically, militarily and politically in comparison with the Russian Federation, therefore
01:32These eastern countries need the hand extended from Brussels, and until today, we are aware that in the confrontation
01:40against Russia. We are forced to bet on our capabilities.
01:45We must bet on the Ukrainian army and the Ukrainian economic capabilities. Now, let us not forget that Ukraine is a buffer zone between
01:56on the one hand and the Russian Federation on the other hand. Dr. Fouad, what is the bet here on
02:02the decision of these eastern countries to remain
02:07or do you want to ask this membership from the European Union
02:15or that Russia is weaker financially, perhaps, but not militarily, than to return and progress under its wings,
02:25Is it true that these countries entered? European Union
02:29It could reach the point of threatening the unity of this whole bloc as a project
02:36I do not think that it threatens the bloc. The bloc is trying to help in other areas by reaching what is below the membership.
02:45There are financial funds allocated for these countries, there are military aid, economic aid
02:51in order not to fall into the arms of Russia. I do not think that these countries want to return