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  • 3 years ago
00:00According to our constitution. Both names are identical, but Armenia prefers to use Arcee X
00:09As for the international community, the name is close to a brother who is more known.
00:14Although the names are identical and can be used, they are beautiful. I want to ask you about the latest issue related to
00:22that region, the war that took place and broke out
00:27in the region, and then Azerbaijan took control over large parts. An agreement, described by Armenia as the author, was signed. didn't
00:36What exactly happened? If the continuation of the fighting is for the control of Armenia on the territory or the restoration of it
00:42Under her control? Explain to us exactly what happened.
00:45In fact, this is the third war that has broken out in modern history between Azerbaijan and Orsi.
00:55But this war was radically different from the previous two.
01:04This time, we did not fight only against Azerbaijan.
01:11but Azerbaijan received direct support from Turkey, which increased its strength
01:20She's a member of NATO, as you know. I also had the support of Pakistan
01:28where some fighters came or were brought from this part of the world and from Afghanistan and Pakistan
01:38the opposite
01:39He also joined forces of Azerbaijan fighting terrorist extremists from the Middle East.
01:48We're talking about a small country with no population
01:56about one hundred fifty thousand people.
02:00Turkey faces the same five million people, eight million people, Azerbaijan with ten million people, Pakistan and thousands of hard-liners
02:12and the terrorists from the Middle East, I mean, who is in favor of Azerbaijan, as if you are saying, I mean, all these crowds
02:21Is it the numbers? Are they the countries, or did they, for example, use
02:24Drones and specific technologies? Armenia is also said to have received support from Iran. Was there direct support from Iran?
02:34What did Iran offer Armenia in that war?
02:38Axo? Iran did not intervene at all. As a matter of fact
02:45It only called for a peaceful settlement to end the combat operations, but there was no intervention at all.
02:56What about the deal? How do you get there? How would you describe it?