...ال ال تحولات كثيرة وأسواق المال...

  • 3 years ago
00:00the changes are many and the money markets
00:07In the first speech to the East with our colleague Fahd Foreign, sharp criticism was leveled against a faction sent by the American Secretary of State yesterday to get to know Israelis
00:16Expectations in the budgets of the refugee by other parties to a rise in prices and economic developments.
00:26therefore shall
00:26The Jewish scenario repeated people as it is in a year
00:32the saudi woman
00:41on the east
00:43And he described a regional movement, a Gulf summit, especially in Riyadh, whose features were drawn by the Saudi Crown Prince's Gulf tour?
00:52What are the GCC countries seeking after a year of the first agreement?
00:57How will the integration path on which the Council was built look after the major regional transformations?
01:05What is expected in light of the regional efforts for calm?
01:09The Gulf summit and the fate of the Gulf Cooperation Council in this week's episode
01:1710:00 p.m. Saudi time on the east.
01:24Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:30I am
01:33Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:46In the past
01:49People thought that the womb was a living organism, like an animal, eager to have children In the 4th century B.C.,
01:56He believed that without a regular supply of semen
02:00The uterus will be angry and will travel through the body. During this operation,
02:05It can compensate for the work of the heart and the breathing, and ultimately lead to preparation and integration
02:11And the result is a mental disorder. Hysteria is a hysterical word derived from ancient Greek civilization, which means the womb
02:20Women who are not satisfied and have no children are singled out in the first place. This diagnosis was made by the men at the time. the greek doctor abu dhabinsocrat and the philosopher plato considered that hysteria is a disease that affects the womb
02:35It is closely linked to female sexuality. In the Middle Ages
02:40This disease should have been driven out like the exorcism of the women involved And it was classified there as witches, and it ended up that the matter in the crematorium continued until the year 1682, when English doctor Thomas Tottenham publicly broke the idea of the wandering womb
02:57But he couldn't convince his colleagues