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  • 3 years ago
00:00Eight years.
00:03Our bulletin continues, our viewers, in it after a while
00:08russia votes against a draft resolution in the security council that considers climate change a threat to international security .
00:20Oh, good.
00:39Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:46Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:49Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:53Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:10In Iran, there is a race between hunger and uranium. Which one kills more
01:16forty years the number of the poor increases in one of the most famous rich countries
01:21Minerals and riches
01:23Forty years, the number of opponents of the regime of turbans is increasing.
01:28The Iranians no longer trust their opposition,
01:32They see it as a distraction that only the media can bring together.
01:37Mr. Sanabruk Zahedi, President of the Judiciary Council of the National Council of Iranian Resistance, the stage of Mr. Zahid. The tone of the change of the Iranian regime has become widespread,
01:46But there are those who say that the system has not changed. The West wants the current regime
01:50In a way. Do you think that the Iranian regime may be changed by you and by the Iranian people on the line of the Iranian resistance and the Iranian people with decisive strikes to the core of this regime? This system of expensive research is very weak.
02:04But there is a need for this system. We are ready
02:09Why? Your voice is strong in the media, but it is not strong in the international community. We are supported by representatives that the people, we are supported by the international bodies, but the price of the governments
02:22has a track at the expense of the Iranian people and the conditions. Middle East region
02:28Orbit with two members Al-Ahmari, Friday 2 pm Saudi time
02:33on the Arab East
02:41For business and finance.
02:44Time is of the essence. What will happen with Iran? it is important and dangerous and has large marks on the region and on the world economy as well.
02:53and follow up the indicators of the East
02:55with Mohammed Fathalla, the political and security forces