...السلاح المنفلت ، نريد مؤسسة أن تجمع هذا ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00the uncontrolled weapons. We want an institution to collect this weapon and gather its people in the east, west and south to be one military institution
00:09able to impose
00:10order and stability in the country and success
00:13a new authority to be elected by the people. This is what we return to, but unfortunately, this step
00:20Too late. We have witnessed since last October when an agreement was signed under the auspices of the United Nations between the Committee of Five plus Five,
00:29We were optimistic that this step will be followed by steps leading to unification, the military institution, but it has been more than a year now and the institution has not been unified.
00:37We do not rely on this meeting, and it is not the first of its kind between the chiefs of staff, but there were other meetings
00:45in Cairo and elsewhere, but it does not lead to the return of an institution. We hope that there will be serious steps
00:50to really unify the institution and start
00:52in the classification of groups without permission. If we want to read more to the elections, to read the most important factors for the success of this meeting
01:02and the factors of its failure, yes, the slow pace, or as you called it, the funerals, this is one of the factors of failure, perhaps,
01:09But how do you read? I mean, perhaps intentions
01:15the general context, today in Libya or in the international context,
01:20Let me help me read it with the viewers in its context in terms of positive and negative aspects
01:33No, the meeting is certainly positive. It means that the chief of staff, who is assigned to the duties of the army commander, will meet in stages
01:41with the Chief of Staff, the Libyan army
01:43In the West, it is certainly important and we rely on it a lot, but what is more important is that this meeting be followed by other meetings.
01:53This is a positive aspect because the crisis in Libya is basically the crisis of these armed groups and this weapon
01:59The waywards are all over
02:01the country, which means that it has failed all
02:05the transitional stages. What failed the transitional stages? is this armed groups and this weapon. So far, the elections that will fail are the armed conflict that may start at any time
02:18It prevents the holding of elections. These are real concerns. If we finish unifying and this is the most important institution that can stop,
02:28I'm looking at it positively, but
02:30Do not stop, I mean, it is not a step, and then the step is taken, and we stand at this step and look forward to the two men meeting again. We don't want to
02:40go on
02:41efforts to unify the one military institution, and not only this, but to start immediately and without delay
02:50The issue of the classification of these armed groups
02:52and its weapons, and according to what the two parties have ended since