...ثغرة خطيرة في احد برامج الإنترنت المستخد...

  • 3 years ago
00:00A serious gap in one of the widely used Internet programs Experts warn that this gap
00:07Might allow a new round of cyber attacks.
00:11According to the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. Federal Security Agency had issued an alert on security gaps,
00:20Companies got to take action
00:23To confront her.
00:26various types and techniques that fall under the name of the Sudanese attacks in order to reach the operations
00:36Or disable it
00:39For cyber attack. Seven types, the first of which are harmful programs that are included in our computer system without the knowledge of the owner
00:49to damage the computer, travel, or computer network, followed by fishing, which is an attempt to obtain sensitive information.
00:59Like user names and passwords
01:02The details of credit cards and money are often the reasons for his home by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in electronic communication.
01:12Third, the attack of the size of services, which is the method of the use of brute force
01:17by trying to stop the operation of some services through the Internet and by flooding the sites with a flow of unnecessary data.
01:26The guy's attacks are in the middle, and it's kind of a hack
01:30The attacker infiltrates the interlocutors in a network without the knowledge of either of them and collects information sent by the user.
01:39Fifth, malicious mining attacks or digital currency adjustments
01:43it is an attack that penetrates a person's computer to carry out the required calculations .
01:52After that comes our right, SQL-E, and its goal
01:55Exploit any security breach in the database layer
02:00of any program to control the victim's data, and finally, attacks without waiting
02:07It's about exploiting software weaknesses
02:10and its security gaps, especially those unknown to the public or even its developers in launching electronic attacks, these gaps are often exploited
02:20and share it
02:21Among the pirates.
02:27Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:31Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:35The activities of the opening session of the International Red Sea Film Festival, which will continue until the 15th of this month, continue.
02:44Within the framework of the parallel events of the festival,
02:46They opposed the movie “Harb Al-Farrawal” by Director Khairi Bishara after the restoration of a copy of its first performance in the presence of its director and its heroine, artist Yusra.
02:55in which he also offered his support to the Iranian director
02:59and the winner