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  • 3 years ago
00:00The Internet Bulletin magazine dealt with the US foreign policy in the face of competitors, pointing out that the previous successive administrations
00:08sought to compete with the major powers in particular with China and Russia,
00:12President Biden portrayed the competition as between democracies and authoritarian regimes. but the magazine indicates that washington is still failing
00:21When it comes to strategic clarity
00:24owned by its opponents in the competition they started years ago to dismantle the system led by the United States, where both China and Russia
00:34one vision for their strategic interests,
00:37while Washington until recently focused mainly on the fight against terrorism. The magazine points out that the CPC has revealed its vision of world domination
00:47his leadership seeks to put itself at the heart of the world economy .
00:51and also to build military force that can be better than any country from Southeast Asia to Australia. In the meantime,
01:00Russia seeks to restore its role as a world player
01:03The ransom software, which is authorized by the State and incursions, is used in conjunction. Ha, the military in Ukraine, Georgia, Syria, and the Nordholstrim pipeline is
01:13to consolidate the European dependence on Russian energy,
01:15which gives Moscow a seat on the table to hold any talks in Brussels. The magazine considers that in light of the challenges posed by Beijing and Moscow,
01:25Washington is constantly facing
01:27strategic competition in every field. At the same time, the United States is trying to protect itself from a continuous attack.
01:35Which puts her in a defensive position.
01:37The magazine asserts that it is still possible to address the reality, where the United States and its allies must develop a modern containment strategy
01:47To the competition.
01:48It is time for Washington to be clear in its strategic position, such as Beijing or Moscow.
01:56And before we start the discussion tonight. I remind you of my question, the link, has it become a group
02:02is following up with more strength and cohesion today in the face of China and Russia?
02:06and what risks might have to be faced by the west with beijing and moscow from an economic point of view ?
02:13I ask all these questions and many others to my honorable guests in this evening's episode of Moscow via satellite to which he joins
02:20Mr. Stanislav Chuk
02:23the academic and the expert of Russian affairs. Good evening and through the application of Hanzom from Sharjah
02:29Dr. Xu Jiegichi, professor of political science and international relations at Sharjah University. You are most welcome.
02:36From Washington, Mr. Bennett Sadler, a former Pentagon official and specialist in political and strategic affairs at the Heritage Institute. You are most welcome.
02:46I will start the discussion with my guest from Washington, Mr. Bint. I will start, then
02:50Members of the Group of Seven showed a united front against Moscow and against any Russian escalation, perhaps at the Ukrainian border.