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  • 3 years ago
00:00a fund that does not have any powers to make constitutional amendments or sign a political agreement.
00:06The statement pointed out that the new political charter, which the Prime Minister seeks to promote
00:11aims to replace freedom and change with a new political incubator that is compatible with the military component. The statement stressed that freedom and change
00:20is working on a wide opposition front
00:22all those opposed to the latest measures taken by the army.
00:28In addition, sources close to the European Union revealed that the Sudanese army may offer concessions to civilians in order to avoid possible US sanctions
00:38on the military leaders.
00:39These statements came after the Foreign Affairs Committee of the American House of Representatives in Congress approved
00:45Two draft laws to punish the sayings of Zia's democracy in the Sudan as I described them.
00:50the chairman of the sovereign council , abdel - fattah al - barhan , had issued warnings to an unspecified diplomatic mission , accusing it of inciting against the army .
01:05since he returned to his post after signing the framework agreement with the army's leaders. Hamdoun has been engaged in consultations to expand the participation in that agreement
01:14amid popular rejection of these consultations
01:18after being released by the army's leaders. Sudanese Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdoun signed a framework agreement with them that opens the door for the re-participation of civilians in power
01:28According to new standards.
01:30After excluding limits to the exercise of his functions, he issued a decision to cancel all appointments approved by the army's leaders in the civil service after the removal of the civil component from power.
01:40And in the last few weeks
01:42he had extensive consultations with several internal and external parties to convince the leaders of freedom and change to sign the strong political declaration .
01:51And in the midst of these endeavors
01:53Hamadoun K met with a number of resistance committees in Sudan to discuss ways to hold local elections that ensure the representation of everyone
02:00In the structures of the Transitional Authority
02:04Coming up in this bulletin shortly: Iraqi Minister of Water Resources confirms to the East that his country
02:13Do not retreat from the case against Iran regarding the cutting off of water
02:50Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:53Oh, good.