...بالمنطقة كافة الأنشطة المزعزعة للاستقرار...

  • 3 years ago
00:00All destabilizing activities are taking place in the region. The two sides welcomed the understandings reached by the parties of the transitional phase in Sudan,
00:09He stressed their continued support for all that would bring about security and stability.
00:14As for the Lebanese issue, the two sides stressed their keenness on the security, stability and unity of the Lebanese territories and on the importance of carrying out comprehensive reforms
00:22ensures that Lebanon overcomes its crises
00:25and limiting weapons to the legitimate state's institutions, and that Lebanon should not be a springboard for any terrorist acts.
00:31The two sides stressed that the political solution in Syria is the only solution to the crisis,
00:36He also stressed important support in this regard for the efforts of the United Nations and its special envoy to implement the international resolutions. In the Libyan affairs,
00:44stressed the importance of reaching a political solution to the crisis
00:48according to the resolutions of the international legitimacy and in a way that preserves the interests of the Libyan people and the unity of its territory. He also stressed the need to withdraw foreign forces from Libya
01:04Who is it?
01:05The official spokesman for the Pentagon, John Kirby, said that China is trying to strengthen its influence in various parts of the world, expressing his country's concern
01:15About her national security.
01:17China is trying to strengthen its influence all over the world, and we are not asking countries to choose between China and the United States,
01:27But we won't hesitate to talk about our concerns about our national security
01:32and the possible repercussions of strengthening the Chinese presence in some areas around the world. And we're keeping a close eye on it. We're like we said before
01:40The Chinese are trying to destabilize the world order
01:43Based on the rules.
01:46Competition between Washington and Beijing has become one of the determining factors for international relations, while fears increase
01:54from the possibility of this competition slipping into an open military conflict, especially after it intensified
02:00Mad at its recent military measures to achieve strategic deterrence against China, she says.
02:08The arms race is overheated, with an American and Chinese party, as a report published by Reuters in April 2020 revealed.
02:16The report pointed to unprecedented military spending
02:19decided by the United States for its military budget in 2019, which increased by 5.3% compared to the previous year.
02:29to advance on the Beijing tunnels
02:31in two thousand twenty one. It was the peak year of American plans. In March, the Pentagon presented a plan to Congress
02:40To stop China in the Pacific
02:43it is estimated that it will cost twenty seven billion dollars to be spent over the next six years.
02:49The plan, known as the Pacific Deterrence Initiative, includes
02:54Advanced capabilities and enhancements, including ballistic missiles and sensors