...تظهر عادة الا في حوض البحر المتوسط ....

  • 3 years ago
00:00it usually appears except in the mediterranean basin .
00:05At the bottom, green mountain OASes contain more heat - resistant plants such as palm trees
00:15But in the middle of this rocky place, these diverse crops could not survive without an important vital component.
00:24Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:37Hundreds of channels known as snow spread through the oases of Green Mountain, many, and the word falaj
00:46You mean where the water flows.
00:49� over the millennium these canal networks have been the backbone of life in the Omani OAS villages.
01:01In the banana pool, local kids use the vagina as a swimming pool
01:12This is considered one of the oldest bottles that are still present in the region
01:20Four hundred years have spread across these roads
01:24Before Bree gets the crops down.
01:29This team passes through the middle of the neighborhood, nearby villages,
01:34This is a Jewish house, and this is my grandfather's second house, and we always pass, please
01:40We've always been pitching h and praying and getting along from this outside.
01:48Khamis Al-Duwaysh is the village's agent. In other words, the water arrived.
01:54In the ark, if there were many responsibilities and functions for every individual, there would be an equal.
02:00Was he murdered? This is a water partition supervisor who oversees services and repairs. Al-Faraj is responsible for gathering the crop
02:08And collect the revenue from the team
02:15I'll see you
02:17The financial opening of this farm when capable of a full hour of water.
02:25Every person has a certain time of water, the share of a hundred people who have half an hour in people or an hour, people who have
02:33Ten minutes in people with two hours
02:36Depends on the size of the land, the size of the farm area this neighborhood tells
02:45The daily life of the banana pond farms begins with the opening of the vagina