...الصربية على البوسنة الأمر الذي يعد انتها...

  • 3 years ago
00:00against Bosnia, which is considered a violation of the decision to impose a no-fly zone. Four Serb fighters were shot down by the alliance.
00:08At the end of the 1990s, NATO intervened in the Kosovo crisis.
00:12With the authorization of the Security Council, the NATO forces bombed the federal forces of Serbia and Montenegro
00:17It contributed to the establishment of an international deterrent force in Albania to deliver humanitarian aid to refugees in Kosovo
00:23the blood of the coalition in 2003 for the war on terrorism, which was announced by Washington to take over the leadership of the International Security Assistance Force, ISAF
00:32in Afghanistan to eliminate Al-Qaeda organization and the extremist organizations active.
00:37In 2004, coinciding with the Iraq war, NATO established a training mission to help the Iraqi security forces.
00:44This came at the request of the interim Iraqi Government at that time.
00:48In 2011, the coalition's leaders unilaterally launched air strikes in Libya with a mandate from the United Nations to use all necessary measures to protect civilians.
00:58according to the alliance.
00:59The campaign resulted in the overthrow of Qaddafi in 2016. NATO deploys four multi-national battalions in Poland and the Baltic states
01:09to defend it against any Russian move
01:12after the tensions on the background of the Crimean crisis.
01:15At the end of 2018, the NATO held Norway's largest military exercises since the end of the Cold War
01:22Just a few hundred kilometers from the Russian border
01:35The French President, who is hated, revealed his desire to set new mechanisms on protecting Europe in the face of the immigration crisis.
01:44and on his country's presidency of the European Union. he added something bad
01:48that he wishes to put a political direction to the Schengen area through regular meetings of European ministers,
01:55in addition to the mechanisms of solidarity support in case of a border crisis,
02:00According to him.
02:01On the other hand, the French President announced that his country wants to set a framework for the European strategic sovereignty during its presidency of the Union
02:10which will start on the first of next January.
02:15Any priority for our presidency will be to strengthen the sovereignty of Europe, and this means
02:24Its ability to control its borders begins.
02:27This became clear to us during the last weeks of the crisis that we witnessed on the Eastern European border and then on the borders of Lithuania and Poland.
02:36Protecting borders is important to our security as Europeans
02:39to face the challenge of immigration and avoid the disasters that we experienced due to the hybrid war on the Belarusian border, without neglecting the humanitarian situation
02:48We're seeing as human trafficking.
02:52In a speech that lasted for two hours, French President Manuel Mehred reviewed his country's plan for the presidency of the European Union