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  • 3 years ago
00:00Details or information on this plan. But I think, I mean, as a person who follows the issues, policies and strategies, that
00:08There is no new plan. plan
00:10the United States means the right to return to the strategy of the maximum pressures adopted by the Administration of Tharqam against Iran
00:18which actually failed to achieve its goals. Perhaps
00:23One of its most important goals is to zero in Iranian oil exports. Today, according to Western reports, we see that the level of Iranian oil production exceeded 2.5 million barrels a day
00:33It's also a military option. The United States knows very well that
00:38that the military option is no longer on the table because the United States knows the readiness of Iran's military capabilities. How is that an option
00:47I mean, it shows the American bases and the American interests and its allies in the region
00:52in light of a very serious danger before Iran or perhaps military attacks and its military capabilities. fa
01:02Most importantly, the United States and Joe Biden's administration have announced several times
01:07that its main goal in foreign policy is to reduce the technological, military, and economic growth of China.
01:16Naturally, it will employ its policies, investments and capabilities
01:20to focus on this file and not on the files of the Xia carrier with regard to the Chinese file, and I consider that the Iranian file, perhaps all the Middle East is a marginal file
01:30With regard to what are the priorities of the US foreign policy now
01:33Points that are really interesting to discuss in front of you. doctor sharqawi
01:41He says, “Sir, I am not just saying that the sanctions are not an option, because in the first place
01:47Trump's maximum sanctions did not work, and therefore the military option because it will open Hell on the whole region,
01:53As a result, the United States of America, F. to Iran. It has to focus on
02:00What do you think of this point of view?
02:04A brief comment. First, what we are witnessing now between us between last week and this week, and what I describe
02:13with the clash of political pragmatism between Tehran on the one hand and the West on the other.
02:19Iran's desire is based on the conviction that he is high, but to accept the lifting of sanctions and to restore the agreement as it was, because he needs
02:28to a political capital to compensate him for what he lost
02:32due to his withdrawal in that way from Afghanistan, and this is an incorrect assumption.
02:37Second, in response to the question or our colleague in this episode, there is no option. On the contrary, there is
02:43Options. Five. There are plans. The plan is what's starting now
02:49the announcement of imposing sanctions on Iranian institutions and even on
02:54Gulf institutions and preventing them from dealing with aviation, and the sanctions will expand.