...قطريين في شركات سعودية ، هذا يؤدى ....

  • 3 years ago
00:00Qataris in Saudi companies, this is done.
00:04Yes, this confirms the respect of France. Of course, we hope that it will be a short answer
00:10If we are talking about strengthening this figure, which is 1.6 billion Riyals, what are the elements of partnership and sectors that can be built on in the future?
00:23There is the partnership of delegations now, as I told you, the number of Qatari companies that work in the image of Saudi Arabia and partners
00:33commercial companies in Saudi Arabia
00:35and the big institutions that work inside the Saudi market. This paves the way for a breakthrough and paves the way for
00:43to an increase, especially after the agreement, I mentioned,
00:48But I am focusing on the relationship between two strategic commodities, especially
00:56after the inauguration of the gas fields in the kingdom. I think that the next stage requires cooperation, cooperation, excuse me, cooperation between
01:05the Kingdom Channel in this field in this field so that there will be no
01:12competition in a way that drowns both sides,
01:16Therefore, cooperation must be based on this ground
01:24which is the production of gas, especially that the Kingdom will be competing at the level of the world by acquiring the latest discoveries.
01:33Therefore, Qatar, at this stage, will have to cooperate with the Kingdom
01:38Coordination and cooperation in policies, production, etc. I think this is a fundamental axis
01:44My future's in a year by, yeah. Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed, specialist in the economies of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, thank you very much doctor
01:53I congratulate you on this beautiful background and this beautiful session
01:59Now we move to
02:01the first word from the east with our colleague
02:04and Diane Abu Jalal. Thank you Abdullah
02:09We start from the United States, where the White House announced that the US President Joe Biden held talks with his Ukrainian counterpart Vladimir Zhirinovsky,
02:17This came after a virtual summit held with Russian President Vladimir Putin, one of the most prominent files of which was the Russian-Ukrainian crisis.
02:25The files come at a time when the spokesman for the US State Department, Adam Price, said
02:30that the US Secretary of State that Tony Blair discussed with the Secretary-General of NATO the options of the alliance to respond to what Washington describes as the Russian aggression on Ukraine.
02:43It is expected today that the American envoy on the Iranian nuclear file will perhaps arrive to Vienna
02:49to lead his country's delegation in the talks aimed at reviving the nuclear agreement with Iran,
02:55according to the US State Department. It is scheduled to target