...لك بعض البنود الخاصة بنتائج والضمانات ....

  • 3 years ago
00:00you have some items for results and guarantees .
00:05Major challenges threaten the elections in Libya, the most prominent of which is the rejection of some armed groups, some candidates
00:13which may lead to obstructing the holding of the elections on the scheduled date of the 24th of this December.
00:21Security is another challenge in the armed group that could hinder the implementation of free and fair elections.
00:28and is comprehensive according to the United Nations,
00:32Another challenge is the continuation of political differences over the election law, as some political parties reject the ongoing electoral process
00:42He demands that it be postponed until a referendum on the constitution is held
00:46And the people.
00:48In addition, there are organizational and logistical challenges
00:54standing before the Supreme Electoral Commission to implement the constitutional eligibility
00:59in a short time frame amid a highly polarized political environment.
01:07An official in the Electoral Commission said that the work of the Commission in Tripoli is currently going on normally despite the protests.
01:14The source confirmed that some people live in tents inside the walls of the Commission
01:20as well as citizens' gatherings outside it. The Elections Commission in Tripoli is witnessing gatherings for citizens
01:27to express their refusal to accept the nomination papers of a number of figures.
01:32We categorically deny what was circulated by the media about the storming of the UNHCR building
01:40the Commission in General, and if you don't see your feet and thinkers, they took
01:45and the demonstrators in front of the UNHCR building for a time or submitted statements and had extensions of a statement to demonstrate. Al-Bashir says agreement
01:53bush says unification of military institutions unification
01:57the establishment of civil institutions by expelling mercenaries in
02:01Within three months, these items should be abided by because they are the priorities of laws issued by
02:10we started the aggression on the capital in a booby-trapped way,
02:17fragile materials that cannot build a state and that cannot be held free and fair elections
02:28The leader of the Sadrist movement in Iraq, Muqtada Al-Sadr, called for limiting the weapons to the hands of the state and working hard to solve the armed groups.
02:35He added that some of those groups misuse weapons under the pretext of resistance or other pretexts.
02:40He stressed that resorting to violence will lead Iraq to danger.
02:44Al-Sadr warned of the return of terrorism and ISIS organization, pointing out that this indicates the aggravation of the political situation in Iraq
02:53For the second time. The leader of the Sadrist movement Muqtada Al-Sadr met with the Shiite coordination framework in