...أحسن القيادة وهم حصلوا على مكافأة وخاصة ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00They've got a reward, especially since the prices have fallen
00:08last week after fears or micron, and then there was stability after that, and with the start of the call to restore prices to the balance
00:18Thank you. I have Crete, chief energy news officer in Celtic Robert, with us from London. Hello and welcome
00:25A permanent vacancy with you, and in it after the break
00:29Have technology stocks sent stable signals to global markets? Stay with us.
00:41He is.
00:52And he came
01:10As for today
01:13From the past, independents
01:21There's money in the world that could sink
01:25to the dimensions of Jazin.
01:31Excuse me, three tickets for the International Red Sea Film Festival, waves of change
01:40For every reason
01:52goes into the depth of its details
01:56We're not gonna reveal her facts
01:59trade exchange, expansion of investments and the direction and future of their effects, so that the whole picture becomes clear
02:08Things have come to an end
02:10The detector is linked daily at 6 pm Saudi time to the east
02:21We will watch the news of the East in a short while
02:30Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:32I am
02:35Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:39Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:45Welcome back. Four informed sources revealed to Reuters that the Opel Technology Company will hold talks with the Karim administration
02:55its unit in the Middle East to attract foreign investors.
02:59and in