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  • 3 years ago
00:00Employment levels remained largely stable in November after five consecutive months of increase.
00:14Joins us from Dubai. Let me Richard, an economic analyst at the Emirates Bank, Dubai National Bank, Daniel, the most prominent news. Looks like he beat the news
00:24The purchasing managers' index is a change over the weekend in the UAE. so i'm going to ask you first
00:30about this issue. In your opinion, the reasons that led to this and the economic consequences
00:36the change over the weekend until the UAE becomes a different weekend from the other Gulf countries. What does that mean?
00:48This is big news today regarding the change over the weekend.
00:55There's been rumors about this for a while, but now it's confirmed
01:01And we'll be in front of a half day on Friday and a weekend on Saturday and Sunday. This thing might
01:10It leads to some difficulties
01:12dealings with other Gulf countries. But this matter strengthens the UAE's website within the international network and will allow
01:20With more smooth integration
01:24and dealing with international markets all over the world, whether Asia, Europe or North America.
01:31Well, in your opinion, can this also have an impact on the purchasing managers' index now? After that, I will ask you of course the figures that we have read
01:41In November. but
01:43Reflections if we want to read direct reflections, when can we touch a reflection on small details like the cursor? Procurement managers?
01:55this holiday starts in january .
02:02Like I said, this is new news. We'll think about its consequences. But as of January,
02:10We'll see if there's any effect this has on the poll
02:14the purchasing managers' index and whether this will enhance tourism, for example, or the travel sector. If she was
02:23Weekends are consistent with what's prevalent in the world. This sector deserves a review.
02:31Cross-border activities such as financial services also have an impact. She'll get a positive boost in the sense that
02:40more in line with what is happening in the world and with the world's holidays.
02:44Let's talk now about the figures that we read in November for the procurement managers' index came better than expected in two years. reasons
02:54In your opinion, which led to this rise? to what extent is it related to gaining twenty twenty ?