...في القرار . وبحسب تقديرات البنتاغون ، ين...

  • 3 years ago
00:00In the decision. According to Pentagon estimates, there are about two thousand soldiers in this base, including hundreds of Marines
00:09who are carrying out security tasks there as well.
00:13The Chinese base also hosts weapons, ammunition and armored combat vehicles, in addition to attack helicopters.
00:21The international competition for this region is not strange. In Djibouti
00:26The corn of the crown of the Horn of Africa corresponds, as we see here on the map. Bab el-Mandeb meets her
00:33It's the southern Red Sea gate and one of the most important waterways, which is 7%
00:41Of all the global navigation traffic. And not far from Djibouti here a little bit down in the map. This is Kenya
00:50which hosts an American military base in the Gulf of Manda
00:54was mentioned in the Pentagon's annual report for 2020. He noted that Beijing is looking forward to the establishment of a military logistics base
01:03among dozens of other African countries,
01:06amid a Chinese denial of this information. We're also turning south from Kenya. And this is Tanzania
01:12Here in Tanzania, we find a Chinese military footprint.
01:16this state, which is one of the main countries in the belt and road project. According to the American magazine Foreign Policy,
01:24beijing puts its eye on a new military base in tanzania .
01:29Cooperation between Tanzania and China is seen by the Americans as a gateway for another Chinese expansion as well
01:35towards the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west here and we have become in the center of the continent,
01:40Which is the unexploited mineral land, including gold, whose value is estimated at about twenty four trillion dollars, according to
01:51From the east to the west of the continent. China's military expansion does not stop, but this time in a
02:00it is different because it knocks on the doors of the eastern American coasts. Here and according to satellite images,
02:08American intelligence reports have made a remarkable Chinese move
02:13In Equatorial Guinea, here is a move believed by the Americans to build a military base that will include advanced naval forces
02:21It includes aircraft carrier submarines. Beijing has reached
02:24with countries extending along the western coast of the Horn of Africa from Mauritania north to south to Namibia
02:33with the aim of establishing a seaport here
02:35In any country on this African line. In the midst of these moves, Chinese military diplomacy
02:44Remarkable activity in Africa in recent years
02:47Beijing has stepped up military training programs and provided substantial material support to African organizations in the fight against terrorism.
02:56Beijing also launched the China-Africa Defense and Security Forum.