...اميركا عن إطلاق أو الإفراج عن الاحتياطيا...

  • 3 years ago
00:00the United States on releasing or releasing the reserves
00:05Strategic. This matter came after OPEC refused to add any additional amount of oil above four hundred thousand
00:12after December and the shift away from fossil fuels is something that will not happen in three or six months or three or six years, but we are talking about a process of transformation that will take decades. Therefore
00:32And the balance gets through that. OPEC is
00:37almost the only side that has a productive capacity
00:43It allows them to increase production on a daily basis.
00:47America's oil sector can't do that, and even the shale oil sector
00:53which usually responds more quickly than the traditional oil companies,
01:00these companies need a few months to increase their production .
01:05This matter can be done by Saudi Arabia or a number of other countries in OPEC in just days.
01:14Well, we return to the point of oil policy today, I mean, oil since the emergence of many political problems. Oil plays the most important strategic commodity in the world
01:27in the coming period, and with all that is being raised, will the shift to clean energy and others, in your opinion, create more tension with OPEC or OPEC countries? not
01:37which are considered, I mean, at least the Gulf countries, for example, allies
01:42of the United States of America
01:47I don't think so
01:52that this will lead to the tensions that people are talking about based on all expectations related to the operation
02:01Turn around. It's clear that oil and gas will continue to be important contract types for several decades
02:11and some
02:12and the cleanest forms of hydrogen, specifically in the Middle East and the Gulf countries.
02:21This puts her in a better position than other oil producers who might
02:30They develop more expensive types of oil and expensive offshore oil fields. these countries
02:39She's the one who's going to suffer the most
02:43From this transformation. And if you look at the Gulf countries, they themselves have made progress
02:50in the process of economic transformation
02:54away from the heavy reliance on revenues from the sector.