...موسكو في نهاية المطاف ، وهذا الامر سار...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Moscow in the end, and this matter went
00:03days of violence, and that now the Biden administration is pointing fingers at what Russia is doing and wants to be very clear
00:10because we
00:12We saw recently that President Putin would like to test President Biden to see what Russia is doing in some areas. We saw that in the project and handing over two, for example
00:24Or these tests that we've seen recently are not just elimination, but in the world in the Arctic as well. If
00:32I think that the Russian guest is a trial about the fact that Russia is independent in its decision and can do whatever it wants, but the United States of America is working in the network of alliances,
00:45This is not subject to criticism because the United States of America consults him. Of course, Brussels, London
00:51These other countries and territories are before a specific decision is taken.
00:56This is the best way to manage the state in order to maintain the interests and interests of the partners, and this is better than killing the opponents
01:06Violations of the sovereignty of other States are inevitable.
01:11OK, I would like to ask you another question. Mr. Kana in Love said that there are issues that can be agreed upon in a way
01:19between the United States of America and the Russian Federation. What is it
01:23In your opinion, the issues that can be solved? And does the list increase with these days with these tensions or decrease
01:33Even with all these meetings and summits
01:35Between Biden and Putin
01:40I think he's right. Yes, there are some issues that the two parties can achieve progress in, for example, the reduction of armaments, and this has been applied in the past as well
01:51Of course, these permanent agreements. But there are other issues that may be partially agreed upon on what is happening in
02:00for example
02:01It is not in the interest of any country that Afghanistan return to a safe haven for international terrorism. Of course, we all know that, and some terrorists will start from this country against China, Russia, the West, Europe, etc.
02:18Of course, there are these issues that draw the attention and attention of Russia and the United States.
02:25There are other issues. Perhaps I am not saying that it will progress now in a steady way, for example, what is happening in
02:34Syria and the support of Assad's regime, which was killed, not to slaughter people there,
02:40then it is related to the Iranian nuclear program, which is now facing these big obstacles.
02:49OK, Mr. Khanna, in Love. I come back and ask you what things could actually be agreed upon? can you add it ? Do you see that the list shortens
02:59with the passing of