...ذلك أن هناك خلافات كثيرة وهناك اعتراضات ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00There are many differences and there are many objections
00:07between the two sides. There are factors and facts
00:11that makes the United States act independently, and that is the factor of Europe and the factor of NATO.
00:20and that the United States' allies in Europe, which take a hostile position against Russia
00:27Britain and Poland, they are seriously affecting the actions and interaction of the United States in this framework,
00:38This is also related to the issue of Ukraine
00:42For example. Here, I would like to say that the American leadership
00:48is not completely independent to make its decisions in some issues
00:53in particular the issue of security in Europe and the issue of Ukraine. With regard to the objections of the United States
01:03about the space and the latest test carried out by Russia through launching a missile to destroy
01:13the satellite. I would like to point out that first China and then the United States and then India and Russia are the fourth
01:23in this field.
01:25They can call these actions provocative while they're not smiling
01:34other countries that their actions are provocative
01:38And she did the same thing,
01:39and that the United States, on the one hand, is presenting a review or many objections, but they forget that Russia is an independent state and
01:54It cannot be done under the dictates of a certain party. What's needed is
02:00the beginning of the agreement with the United States, and when they take this formula, because the necessity of the agreement and not
02:10Then there could be movement
02:13in this direction towards the agreement. There are very difficult issues and there are issues that can be agreed upon
02:22Now, for example, security in Europe.
02:26Well, Mr. Clark, what do you think about what Mr. Al-Sayyed explained? It was Villeneuve, and so was this
02:31I'm encouraged to put this question back to the core of the problem now.
02:37In your opinion, what are the factors that make this tension escalating steadily between Washington and Moscow in the recent period?
02:47as he says, I mean, because of the European weight or the European factor
02:52specifically the NATO countries and the Eastern European countries that fear or control Russia?
02:59Is it because