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  • 3 years ago
00:00peaceful reunification of the country. This is the principle of China, but you will not allow
00:08the occurrence of a declaration of independence
00:12Thank you very much, Mr. Nader Rong, journalist in the China Media Group. You were with me from Beijing. Thank you
00:26an official in the us state department said that iran continues to accelerate its nuclear program in a provocative way .
00:34In a press briefing, the American official stressed that Iran has retreated from all previous settlements in the Vienna negotiations, according to him.
00:44He also added that returning to the negotiations is not the goal as much as
00:48to be seriously resumed by Tehran, pointing out that what happened in the seventh round is the opposite, according to him.
00:58to violate
01:01Just like you said
01:28Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:36Despite the vagueness that dominates the future of this round of talks, the newspaper of Al-Samaha believes that the ceiling of the Iranian demands to conclude a new agreement may clash
01:47the alternative options that the Biden administration is waving in parallel with the diplomatic options.
01:53We follow the details.
01:57with new confidence, Iran advances to the negotiating table
02:01supported by the rapid progress of its nuclear program, which is what pushes it to demand more gains in any new agreement.
02:09according to the American newspaper The Hill
02:12This new strategy is seen by the newspaper's report as dangerous and dangerous, considering that the high ambition of the Iranians will clash with the alternatives of the US administration
02:22To contain the nuclear program,
02:24This will not be in the interest of Iran at the very least. The sanctions, as you say, have burdened the Iranians since they were reimposed in two thousand eighteen,
02:34And re-imposing it again in case a new agreement fails
02:39it will not be a good omen for the main government that seeks to promote its image at the beginning of its political journey .
02:46The newspaper believes that the acceleration of Iran's nuclear program has not only affected its regional environment,
02:52But it goes beyond it to China and Russia, which started to lose Dan patience, which is what it described as the Iranian intransigence on the negotiating table.