...اعادة احياء العلاقات اللبنانية السعودية ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00to revive the Lebanese-Saudi relations.
00:05There was a long discussion with the Saudi Crown Prince on the Lebanese file, and we talked with the Lebanese Prime Minister
00:13To give a clear message that
00:15that Saudi Arabia and France want to participate fully in resolving the crisis. The expression was clear. We would like to stand by the Lebanese people
00:24to ensure the economic and commercial definition
00:26and providing humanitarian aid and other needs.
00:32The French President Emanuele Mekrun confirmed that Saudi Arabia has legitimate fears with regard to the Iranian nuclear file,
00:40considering that it is not possible to progress in the nuclear negotiations
00:44in Vienna without involving the forces of the region.
00:47Saudi Arabia has a legitimate concern about the possibility of Iran acquiring nuclear capabilities. This is a source of concern not for the neighboring countries,
00:56but for the countries of the region and the countries of the world in general
00:59since 2017. I confirm that we cannot talk about the nuclear file without talking about the stability of the region.
01:07We cannot move forward without involving our friends in the region.
01:11In this interview,
01:14The Iranian army said that it carried out a test of the missile systems in the sky of Natanz, denying that an explosion took place in the region.
01:22In addition, an official in the US State Department said
01:25Tehran is deliberately procrastinating in the Vienna negotiations while speeding up the pace of its nuclear program. According to the American official, Washington
01:34keen on reviving the nuclear agreement, but the course of negotiations will not be open forever.
01:40adding that Tehran's recent proposals constitute a clear retreat from all what was agreed upon in his talks in the previous
01:50The Chairman of the Sudanese Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Abdel-Fattah Al-Barhan, confirmed that the armed forces will not participate in the political affairs after the arrival of
02:00an elected government in 2023 when an elected government comes. I guess
02:07the army or the armed forces and all the regular forces
02:11she certainly does not have any involvement in the political affairs. This is what we agreed on and agreed on, and this is a normal situation
02:20that the armed forces and the regular forces
02:24to perform its duties and that there is an elected government to elect the Sudanese people and express its will and aspirations.
02:33We have an understanding
02:34with the International Criminal Court that the person responsible before the judiciary or the court,
02:43We acknowledge it and acknowledge it
02:46Justice for the victims is also recognized and recognized, and accountability for the criminals or those who committed the crime as well. We confess and we confess
02:54because this is the duty of the state, and any government
02:57If it's transitional or the next.