...له الخطاب الأقرب إلى الواقعية حيث كان من...

  • 3 years ago
00:00has the closest speech to reality, where he was critical of the investment and economic reality in
00:08Algeria, and until it was determined
00:10about the wrong data that he was receiving and addressed the Algerian industrialists and told them where the exports that you want
00:18to be exported to Europe in order to take it. This is a proof
00:22that the economic reality in Algeria is very fragile, so I will go back to your question, the partnership agreement that Algeria signed in 2000
00:32and two
00:33it was a trick by the Europeans
00:35who refused to negotiate with all the countries of North Africa in order to have a fair partnership agreement and search for economic integration
00:45between the North and the South Mediterranean. But the Europeans managed to separate Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, and they negotiated from
00:53Power. Then came the partnership agreement, which entered into force in
00:57Algeria in 2005 and it included, I mean, years later
01:02I mean promises from the Europeans to transfer abroad and productive investments to countries
01:07North of the South Mediterranean is similar to Algeria. But that didn't happen because the Europeans, with their colonial mentality, are always looking for markets
01:16their products and commodities
01:19a short or small look at a trade balance between the European Union and Algeria.
01:25We note that Algeria, through dismantling the customs units, lost thirty and today, but today the Algerian President in Bonn Dr. Hakim says that he does not want to create problems with Europe, and my guest from Paris today confirms that Algeria has great importance
01:42These statements are viewed positively. So, is the tension still on? Can we say that the tension is still there?
01:52No, it is the expectation, and the relations between the European Union and Algeria are very good, and even the partnership agreement
01:59Tabun spoke about the need to review it, and this was within
02:03I mean the terms of the agreement. in talking about the review of this agreement,
02:08How does Algeria want today to achieve a winning and winning equation in its commercial relations with the Union? I mean
02:15For example, what can you offer today to Europeans other than oil and non-gas in order to achieve this balance
02:24and give it the competitiveness it seeks?
02:30It is true. Algeria achieved a quantum leap in the field of agriculture and agriculture and even fishing, but
02:37the strict European conditions, especially in the field of
02:40security and meeting the conditions of the entry of goods to the European Union, because all the countries of the world export the European Union,
02:47Consequently, Algeria is a supporter that finds itself somewhat incapable of exhausting the conditions that enable its goods and products
02:55from the entry of the European Union, especially in the field of providing