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  • 3 years ago
00:00Excuse me, I mean, your information is very rich and I would like to listen to it and the viewers are overflowing, but the time of the episode is over.
00:07Thank you very much from Washington via Skype, Professor Tal Al-Nasouli
00:11Professor of Immunology at Georgetown University. Thank you very much for all these details. Thank you
00:20Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:25Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:10Egypt has never been spared the vicissitudes of its surroundings until the accumulation exhausted it. And after it was an initiative, I was busy repairing the heavy legacy
01:20until the army decided to uproot the Muslim Brotherhood
01:24what the Egyptians and the people of Al-Mahrousa tried to listen and hear about New Egypt.
01:31Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi chose to announce the renewal
01:34but with the slogan of the republic
01:36In range we know the details. This was with Mr. Mohammed Anwar Sadat, head of the Reform and Development Party in Egypt, Mohammed Sha'ar Al-Jadeed, who was launched by
01:46President Al-Fattah Cissé Mali on the new republic. Reform and modernization of a modern, democratic civil State
01:55including what is happening in the development and development process
02:00and open up to the world with regard to many files after it was known about the events of the Arab Spring. muslim brotherhood in power
02:08All national parties were suppressed by the political Islam groups, the political Islam trends.
02:14Has Egypt recovered from that period? Have you recovered from
02:18The influence of the Muslim Brotherhood and the political Islam groups on the scene, despite the fact that at the beginning of the revolution, everyone was optimistic
02:25he feels that egypt has entered a new stage . The Muslim Brotherhood was the most present, and the president of those who were elected
02:33But it was clear that they
02:35Egypt was too big for them. the experience of the Muslim Brotherhood, I mean, in general, or who represents the Islamic political movement is a source of threat
02:45Because he singled out people
02:47Al-Ahmar Colors, Sunday 5th Saudi Time, on the East
02:55I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I… as