...بقت هي لاتفيا ، ليتوانيا ، بولندا وبيلار...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Belarus remained as desired by the refugees? Of course I do. Yes.
00:07What happened to the political reactions in Belarus in response to the sanctions package
00:13The last European against him? Did you hint to the possibility of the aid being affected and that
00:23Maybe it's the immigrant card
00:26Once again, the card of attraction between the European entity and Russia?
00:35Makki, before the reactions, if we recall these sanctions, they are American, European, and economic sanctions. The American sanctions focused
00:44on companies
00:46And on people. The American authorities issued an order to prevent the empowerment of the Belarusian Ministry of Finance
00:56from bank loans for more than ninety days,
00:59It also prevented the empowerment of these loans to the Belarusian Development Bank. As for the sanctions
01:08the European one, it included more
01:11organizations and companies which, according to the European authorities, are related to fueling the crisis of immigrants. And here
01:19Balagia Aviation Company
01:21some Belarusian travel agencies with regard to the reactions here in Belarus
01:29was made by the Belarusian Prime Minister, who promised that he or pledged to impose sanctions
01:38Similar. sanctions
01:40economic, but so far, the nature of these sanctions has not been revealed. said that in the coming days, they will impose economic sanctions on
01:50the United States and the Union
01:52European. he also confirmed that Russia has postponed resorting to this
02:00Practices to the last time. But according to the Belarusian Prime Minister, if you consider it
02:09economic pressures on it
02:11The siege forced her to resort to similar measures and similar economic sanctions.
02:20We wait
02:22what are these sanctions during the coming days. Yes
02:26Thank you. We were thanking from the Belarusian border. Thank you very much, Al-Sharq correspondent, thank you very much
02:36This bulletin continues and in it after a while
02:42UAE concludes military deal with France to buy 80 Rafale fighter planes