...لدينا وجود قوي في منطقة الشرق الأوسط نحت...

  • 3 years ago
00:00We have a strong presence in the Middle East. We keep tens of thousands of soldiers there
00:08In addition to a naval presence in the Gulf.
00:10This existence will continue. Our job here is to make sure there are several options available
00:18In front of the U.S. President in case I need it.
00:21No problem is easy to solve in the Middle East if Iran acquires nuclear weapons. Therefore, it is clear that our interest and that of our partners
00:30is not to achieve this result.
00:34The return to the nuclear negotiations in Vienna in the seventh round raised a number of international reactions by the leaders of the states and the actors
00:43In this agreement
00:49Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:56Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:04I am.
01:24the nuclear talks continue, but despite the European hopes for progress in the current round, other aspects indicate that Iran
01:33Maybe she's trying to disrupt those conversations. All of it
01:36According to a report by Bloomberg Agency, we continue
01:43iran proves that it is not serious in the nuclear talks . Report published by Bloomberg Agency
01:49It refuted the reasons that make it clear that Iran is seeking to abort the nuclear negotiations.
01:54The first appearance that Bloomberg says confirms the matter is Tehran's refusal to talk directly
02:00With the United States, the only country that has the capacity to revive the comprehensive plan of action.
02:06Bloomberg added another evidence, which is the extremist position adopted by the Iranian regime before the talks,
02:13as well as insisting on lifting all economic sanctions by the United States, including those related to non-nuclear violations
02:22International standards
02:23as a precondition for Iran's return to the terms of the agreement. However, Bloomberg says there are two ways to determine the chances of failure
02:32Iran could seek a treaty with the United States
02:36including the ratification of the conditions by the Senate, or Tehran could abandon its nuclear program, which threatens its neighbors and the entire world,
02:46But the system showed no interest
02:48to pursue either of these two options. As for the third indicator, according to Bloomberg on Tehran's position,
02:55it is abandoning the team that successfully negotiated the 2015 agreement