...مستشار الأمن القومي العراقي قاسم الأعرجي...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Iraqi National Security Adviser Qassim Al-Aaraji on the results of the first report of the investigation into the assassination attempt on the Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazimi.
00:09Al-Aaraji said that the Division Ten, which is affiliated with the anti-explosives
00:14The criminal evidence did not lift the fingerprints, which forced the investigation committee to make a decision to imprison those involved
00:23With great regret.
00:27The best explosives do their job right.
00:33where General Sabah was hosted to
00:38And the question was asked
00:40By the committee personally to dust for prints
00:47Special investigation
00:56Surprise Tin
00:58and turn them into
01:00Ministry of the Interior for Investigation
01:03To find out the reasons for not doing normal duty, it's normal for forensics to raise
01:12Prints from anywhere
01:14in the crime family to reach the truth by revealing the truth.
01:20Al-Aaraji added that the investigation will take its time until the facts become clear without charging specific parties or parties
01:31We're accusing someone, but we're leaving room to investigate why we can't do a print run
01:40and bombing it, not to dismantle it, and not to keep the parts of the mission
01:48There is any intervention from outside the committee, but the committee decided on this issue
02:05Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that his country will take the steps of rapprochement with Egypt and Israel.
02:12Erdogan announced his intention to visit the Emirates next February
02:16at the head of a high-ranking delegation, pointing out that some steps were taken strongly. Erdogan considered that the agreements signed with the UAE
02:26During the talks in Ankara, it will start
02:29a new era in the relations between the two countries.
02:34After years of estrangement, Ankara announced diplomatic contacts with Cairo
02:40Normalization of political relations. last April 10th witnessed the first telephone call between the Egyptian and Turkish foreign ministers
02:49within the framework of attempts to improve relations.
02:53On April 20, Ankara announced the resumption of normalization talks after Cairo suspended them due to a slowdown.