...كيف تعلق على حظر السفر الذي رأيناه ؟...

  • 3 years ago
00:00How do you comment on the travel ban we saw?
00:08Good evening from London. I think that we should look at the political aspect, in addition to the health aspect of the issue
00:18We remember what happened in March 2020. Many politicians in many countries
00:26They were criticized for a more important slowdown and for not taking threats from the pandemic seriously
00:34And they don't want to risk a repeat of what happened
00:39Because it's been 20 months since that date
00:44This means that in many countries, we are the closest eighteen months to the elections, and the politicians must take this matter seriously and
00:58to be seen as moving and acting, even if the action is not a health justification in the politicians, they must do something.
01:07In this case, should we be forced to take several steps back before we can move forward?
01:17Yeah, that's the way it is. I think
01:22that we will see more restrictions that impose more distances and social distances
01:29And forcing people to put up gags. And we'll see more travel restrictions
01:35especially that half
01:39the northern villages will be close to the holiday season. Therefore, it will be more difficult to make plans
01:47to enjoy cross-border travel during the holiday season, Christmas and New Year. Therefore, people stay in their homes and will try
01:56Take local advantage of what's available. As for international travel
02:00It's going to be very difficult from now on.
02:03Now, looking at a map of measures or micron compared to what I saw yesterday, I mean, this situation is getting worse today, Morocco and the Philippines are completely banned from traveling
02:13In the United States, even the travel ban is partial.
02:18It's increasing on a daily basis. how can it be reflected on the economy, especially that we saw an interaction in the international markets on Friday
02:28Today there is some regression in many markets, but the picture is still blurry.
02:37From who?
02:41I think that the impact will be greater on the countries that depend on tourism and travel, but let us remember that we have been living with the pandemic for twenty months
02:53We have become accustomed to new ways of working. I'm talking to you through Zuma.