...الخارجية وقد رأينا ما حصل خلال الفترة ال...

  • 3 years ago
00:00we have seen what happened recently with the normalization of relations with israel . I think it's already there
00:10military political movement
00:13an important strategy experienced by the region, which warns that there is something that may happen during the coming period.
00:22Not to mention Mr. Ma'am
00:24that Russia has never armed a country except Syria, as happened with Algeria, to succeed the tanker that enabled it to launch missiles.
00:33We will return to this point shortly, Mr. Abu Bakr, and
00:37very advanced. Yes, we will return to this point shortly, but allow me to go in a question to General Dominique, General Dominique
00:47he mentioned all these challenges, all these transformations, Mr. Abu Bakr in his answer,
00:55But today, to what extent do the allies of these Western countries rely on cooperation with the countries of North Africa
01:03in dealing with these tensions and
01:06to face these security threats. For example, why did not these allied countries call
01:15Some of her allies in Africa, or those she trusts
01:20from countries in Africa to participate in the exercises that are taking place in the western Mediterranean
01:33I think these exercises
01:41it's eighty for the nato
01:47with NATO procedures and operations that must be confirmed before involving
01:54countries outside the alliance that do not participate in such measures.
02:00But in all the exercises, I did not check this pass specifically, but in general there is
02:07Recurrent elements
02:10In all these exercises, and these
02:13that are taking place a few miles from the coasts of Africa in North Africa, and if there are links with these
02:21the countries in North Africa are from the door of friendship. It is not for the integration of these countries and the coasts where they are taking place
02:31The exercises are far from the African coast and the NATO countries. No
02:36to participate. Non-member countries have returned to say that I will return to a point that was made
02:41to be addressed by the honorable guest. We need to know that the submarine problem in the Pacific has nothing to do with it
02:50The problem here is that we are talking about NATO and the Pacific region is very far, and of course France has always had a role.