...اقتصادية على روسيا كورقة لجانب بوتين على...

  • 3 years ago
00:00on Russia as a card for Putin's side to reconsider his project
00:09which might lead to
00:12Invasion of Ukraine. I mean, you think that the collective response, which is meant by sanctions, is not a military response
00:20to the military possibility. It is not possible, it is not possible, because this region is a geological break in the geopolitical relations inherited from the war
00:31The European Union cannot venture in this region because it is open militarily, and therefore it only wants to maintain a kind of
00:41from the balance
00:42Near the Black Sea. France, Britain and the European Union are missing. Drive this between the Qataris of Crimea.
00:51And now he's just trying
00:53the determination of the continuation of the Russian advance in this region. but the solution is political and not military on the union .
01:03I go to Mr. Andrei Raymond Al-Zain in Moscow to ask her also within the same context.
01:08Moscow denied its intention and its intention to invade Ukraine, and said that the US State Department only deploys
01:16Malicious propaganda against
01:19Question. Why is the limit of military mobilization and the gathering of forces in the area of Crimea and the areas adjacent to Ukraine
01:30Saving. Over the last three weeks, the United States
01:34it is talking about the possible russian - ukrainian attack . But the news was false
01:41I provided photographs from space on the position
01:47Russian troops. But the troops were stationed at the border between Russia and Russia. And what about after? 500 kilometers from the borders of Ukraine? That's a first.
01:57Secondly, the purpose is quite clear.
02:00the honorable guest from my honorable colleague from Paris. I remember
02:05Private Sunset Limited Stream Two North Current I see you old.
02:11Now this project is being licensed by the European Union. And the American economic goal is
02:19preventing the passage of russian gas to germany and replacing it with the us liquefied gas . This is the economic objective. And for that purpose
02:30It's being discredited
02:31And you lie. The US State Department and the CIA did not answer the question. I mean, excuse me, I would like to pay attention to the Russian, yes, before we reach Nordholstrim Tu and the gas card, which
02:45Russia knows how to hire her from time to time. I asked you why Moscow is mobilizing all these forces. Did you answer that question first? Please
02:57Not the parade in your question