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  • 3 years ago
00:00Taking him further than all his ancestors.
00:06Now we have more than one vision. China wanted to play a role in the world order by taking office as a superpower.
00:15The level of political interest in the Arctic has increased considerably since the President took office.
00:23The change here is in the cultural dimension. In the idea that by interfering in the Arctic, China will be able to achieve something that will affect the rest of the world
00:33from a scientific or economic point of view or in terms of energy.
00:38after the mortgage crisis , she unexpectedly threw a new north pole crisis into beijing's hands
00:45Russia's annexation of Crimea in early 2014
00:50Back to Crimea and Sebastianpol to protect the original
00:56dear to his permanent home. Russia.
01:07The international community turned against Moscow and imposed sanctions on it. The main objective was to isolate Russia.
01:16Before what happened in Crimea, when we still believed that Russia will cooperate with the West, China was not among Russia's priorities.
01:26Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:29Al Bin
01:39the friendship between the two countries has gradually increased since the death of wu and accelerated when beijing and moscow came under western criticism
01:54The reluctance that one might expect between two superpowers quickly faded in the face of common interests
02:01God bless you.
02:10Russia needs money and technology while China needs natural resources to maintain its growth.
02:18the two countries talked about the interests of the work .
02:23Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:28The Amal Peninsula changed the Russian part of the Arctic. Everything gave China a golden opportunity to gain a strong foothold
02:37And always in the far north.
02:43The Peninsula of Yamal is one of the largest sources of liquid gas in the world, and it is important for Russia.
02:50That's why Beijing became a savior, Mal, at the request of Moscow.
02:57Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.