...من الممكن أن تنخفض الأسعار ، فهذا في الح...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Prices can go down, this actually applies to a number of connections. This is an important point and we must not forget it. Now China is meditating.
00:09We have realized the size of this issue and we
00:13We know that we may affect the dynamic of prices in a radical way, and this also affects the consumer countries that are missing
00:23But, but we
00:27we hope that we will be able to influence the oil prices in a way or an acceptable level for everyone, but we have a voice
00:36to the mechanisms of the international oil markets and not only to be on the sidelines of these rises. and dips
00:46That. We are
00:48now in the beginning of this operation.
00:51My honorable guests stay with me now. Let's get to know more about China's strategic oil reserve, where it was initially established for
01:01The U.S. reserve balance sheet.
01:03The idea started since the 1990s, but it did not enter into force until the year 2007. What do we know about China's oil reserves? We continue
01:15The Voice newspaper China Morning Post said that the United States has the largest strategic oil reserve in the world,
01:23while China considered
01:25the largest importer of crude oil in the world by building its own system. The newspaper pointed out that China has been planning since the year
01:33two thousand and seven to build a reserve system for crude oil
01:37in the next 15 years with a planned storage capacity of seventy million cubic meters, which will provide a reserve supply
01:46is equivalent to one hundred days of imports.
01:48The first stage includes facilities with storage capacity exceeding sixteen million cubic meters in four Chinese areas,
01:57While official media reports indicated
02:00to a second stage, according to the newspaper. The newspaper quoted the National Bureau of Statistics as saying that the national reserve in 2017,
02:10Including some corporate stocks
02:13it reached more than thirty seven million tons or two hundred eighty million barrels by the middle of the same year.
02:20It is believed that the country has stored large quantities of crude oil
02:24when prices fell in March and April last year, according to the newspaper, the leading energy researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
02:34China's oil reserves are estimated to be about
02:37forty to fifty days of its imports, and it is still much less than the 90-day standards set by the International Energy Department.
02:46the chinese authorities have more tools
02:50at its disposal to deal with the problems of supply or prices compared with the Western countries. The newspaper pointed out that in late September