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  • 3 years ago
00:00US announcement to withdraw part of largest strategic reserve in 20 years
00:06Defending his decision to return to the judgment of the street's lack of options. Hamdoon to say to the East, to the transitional phase, the civil forces will consult
00:15and describes what happened on October 25th as a coup
00:20in light of the aggravation of the confrontation in Ethiopia.
00:23Washington expects Addis Ababa's inability to resist the advance of the trade front and continue its mediation to stop the fighting
00:40Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:49I don't.
00:51Welcome to this news bulletin from the East News Center
00:55Despite the decisions of the US President, Brent contracts were closed with a rise of more than two dollars per barrel, with an increase of 3.27%
01:05the price of the barrel reached 82.31 dollars per barrel.
01:10oil prices rose during dealings in spite of the decision of some countries to withdraw from the strategic reserves of the fifth .
01:17The White House had announced that the United States will use its strategic oil reserves, adding that Washington will make up to fifty million barrels a day
01:27from the strategic oil reserve.
01:32After the decision was made, US President Joe Biden said the move would not cut prices immediately but would contribute to the stability of markets.
01:41the main reason for the rise in oil prices witnessed by the americans
01:48is that the oil producing countries did not speed up the production of oil quickly
01:53Enough to respond to the request. the shortage of supply means the rise in prices globally. Therefore, I have reached with a number of world leaders to discuss this challenge
02:02and trying to find a way to reduce prices. Therefore, it announced the largest withdrawal from the US strategic oil reserve
02:10To help provide what we need while he recovers from the epidemic.
02:14In addition, it brought other countries together to participate in the solution, such as India, Japan, South Korea and the United Kingdom
02:22which pledged to release more oil from its reserves,
02:27So is China, which has pledged to do more as well. This coordinated action will help us face the shortage of supplies and thus reduce prices.
02:37Biden's decision brought with it reactions from inside the US, including those supporting and those opposing.
02:44What are the most prominent reactions to this new resolution?
02:47We continue