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  • 3 years ago
00:00it resorts to some basic consumers of energy such as japan , south korea and others .
00:06Release some strategic oil reserves.
00:11I must say that this will not affect oil prices much or
00:16dealing with and dealing with the energy crisis today. If we compare yesterday and today, we can see that oil prices have risen
00:25despite the announcement issued by the White House on the release of the reserve withdrawal rights
00:34Strategic. As you also know, we are on the eve of Thanksgiving and Christmas next month, which means that there is oil
00:43Direct demand for oil is increasing. We can expect high prices for gas and oil in the United States in
00:51the next few months. And the fact is
00:55the biden administration does not have many options to overcome the crisis on the energy crisis
01:05So you can balance a shift in balance in the market. and help
01:11The American economy overcomes the repercussions of the Corona pandemic and the energy crisis.
01:17We must wait to see what the Department might do in the next few months.
01:25It should be noted that this decision in itself will not affect the prices of oil, and we will see that after months and not
01:33Immediately. Well, I go to Moscow, Mr. Mitrovich, simply. Washington says
01:40I need to increase the oil supply until the prices drop
01:46because the prices have become very high . energy prices and inflation have become dangerous .
01:53Why didn't OPEC plus and the other countries
02:00to be convinced of increasing its oil production according to this plan or this American demand
02:09including Russia of course
02:14Good evening, thank you for inviting me, and I welcome a guest from Washington, too
02:23I think that
02:25OPEC Plus
02:27is not in a hurry to meet in the middle of the road in this step with Biden. These prices are also in favor of Islam. What are the exporting and producing countries that sell oil?
02:42In addition, Buck Plus considers that the United States of America has other ways to reduce prices and prevent
02:52the rise of prices to levels
02:55Standard, there are some other steps.