...كما قدمت للتلفزيون والسينما اعمالا بارزة...

  • 3 years ago
00:00She also presented to television and cinema prominent works, including Baki Zu Zaghloul, the dawn of a new day, an Egyptian unity and a movie
00:09Princess, my love
00:12- See you
00:39- See you
00:50Joining us via satellite from Cairo is Mr. Tarek Al-Shanawi, writer and art critic. Good evening
01:00And stay with God in the death of the Almighty
01:04Of course, I mean, today, we are talking about the departure of Suhair Al-Babli from our world, and he was buried in his final resting place in Cairo
01:14After a more giving journey
01:16Half a century ago, and 110 works of art. Your question is how will those who follow it be remembered
01:25And lovers of her art
01:26in Egypt and the Arab world?
01:32The truth is that it is confirmed. You said it is an Arab loss, not an Egyptian one, because we have crossed the border. The entire Arab world
01:41he feels the big artist
01:44Babli and Arif gave it. I'm thinking bright spots are strong or peaks
01:51which is the theater
01:53She's a first-rate theatrical artist,
01:56and this is a rare issue
02:00He's his star
02:02Because the theater is always linked to the man, even if in the comedy survey, there is still a man, even in the political scene, in the artistic work as well
02:11To be a man. but
02:13As long as Sawyer is an exception, all because she is the star of the comedy theater also presented the political theater
02:22And the audience is a quantity on the ticket.
02:25Fortunately, the satellite channels kept the door for a number of four plays that showed them
02:34and they were exposed all the time
02:36And almost on the holidays, they don't have Eid, what do you think, and Sakina? I think so, I mean, in any Arab country, when he returns, he'll be soiled
02:45And he greets the feast with joy
02:47The joy remains the extent of my scene and Madame Suhair Al-Babli and Ahmed, the Director General of Bolivia, this wonderful work brother Abu Hussein also
02:56okay it takes you know bardo