...ومارست مع ما عرف بالربيع العربي رغم ماتي...

  • 3 years ago
00:00And I experienced with what was known as the Arab Spring, despite my death, which was the only solution to absorb the raging emotions. in Morocco
00:09We take the king's order
00:11The Muslim Brotherhood's experiment failed. Historic parties returned to power armed with the ministers of those with experience, who are ruled by the street
00:21after the opium of the people was a drug for the supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood,
00:25And if he wishes to prevent their eyes from seeing the defect. Will the new Moroccan government succeed
00:31with renaissance and development and pumping blood in the spirit of the economy, which was disrupted by political Islam
00:38For a decade in orbit we know the details.
01:01Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:03Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:31Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:38Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:40Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:42Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:49Welcome back our viewers, the range is ground-to-air, as well as in His Excellency the Minister Abdul Latif and the Moroccan Minister of Justice, Secretary-General of the Asala and Al-Maarra Party. Welcome, Mr. Minister.
01:58You are most welcome. Thank you for hosting
02:00with the minister, I mean, there is a storm that hit some Islamic parties and another
02:06these parties, the Justice and Development Party or the Justice and Development Government in
02:10the Kingdom of Morocco, and the national and liberal parties returned to the forefront. What exactly happened? Why have people lost faith in these Islamic parties?
02:21Isn't there a storm? This is the result of democracy? Democracy comes with some, and some go down
02:27restore some in power and fight some of the sites. When we accepted in Morocco
02:35to agree on the principles, including democracy
02:38That means we accept its results. Therefore, we accept that the results that we agreed upon
02:45and the illness of the elections in a good way that everyone agrees on,
02:49Everyone disagreed about the evaluation of the results, but in the end we resorted to them and the results were, and in the nature of democracy today
02:58It's as democratic as civilization once is