...رية التي كانت هي الموقعة في الوثيقة الدس...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Raya, who was the signatory in the constitutional document, and the proof as a party represents the military component.
00:10Of course, things are on this level
00:13Despite all the advantages of the agreement, perhaps the most prominent of which is the bloodshed, but there are bombs
00:22it's available it's explosive
00:24the report revealed it and did not elaborate on it.
00:29As you say Dr. Al-Rashidia, time bombs, you describe them as such, but they
00:35I mean, we are in the ambiguous points in this agreement, and many observers
00:41they also describe one of these points, which the agreement did not clarify the form of the ruling today
00:46with the introduction of political elements rejected by the street. In your opinion, how will this agreement go with the rejection of the street?
00:55Yes, the street, of course, I mean, he lifted his hands off Hamad, just like you. What we saw today
01:05confirms that the people, the bases that supported Hamdoun, turned against him
01:12Just as the parties also lost all the data, which, I mean, described the agreement as treason and labor
01:23I mean, it is not in love. It is also acceptable for the ambiguity and ambiguity that surrounds many gaps.
01:30This may also cause confusion in the political scene. In the days to come
01:35When he actually faces the issue of the transfer of power to a civilian leadership that he is completely silent about.
01:44Also, the concept and the criteria for selecting competencies
01:48whether the Council of Ministers and the Legislative Council are also the subject of disagreement over the administration, according to
01:57on the return of reconciliation as well
01:59This is always different in such agreements. There is something
02:02or there will be a reference based on it. the two parties may rely on the establishment of the Constitutional Court
02:10that can be separated in a neighborhood, I mean, there is no doubt that there is a dispute
02:15but also the absence of a mechanism for consensus. Managing contrasts is also a major breach. There's something else that's upsetting.
02:23I was nominated during the meeting. Al-Barhan and Hamad Brooke, about
02:26the exclusion of the forces of the Declaration of Peace in Juba from the exception in Al-Kafaat. This also did not happen
02:35its circulation and talk about it may also represent a great danger
02:40On the next deal. Thank you, Doctor, for all these details. The talk is taking a long time in this subject, but the time for intervention is over, unfortunately
02:49Dr. Rashid Mohamed Ibrahim, professor of political science and international relations at the Academy of Strategic Studies.
02:56Talk to us from Khartoum? Thank you very much