...ديف الصحيفة أن فريق بيدن يبدو مستعدا للت...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Dave, the newspaper said the Biden team seems ready to give up the sanctions related to the nuclear issue, while keeping the other sanctions
00:09based on Tehran's support for terrorism.
00:21Days after biden and Xi Jinping summit, the United States and China agreed
00:27to establish high-level military-level communication channels between the two countries, according to Bloomberg.
00:33The agency quoted a source as saying that the negotiations, which have not yet been finalized, will not be as formal as those conducted by Washington with Moscow.
00:45after weeks of revealing for the first time the presence of American forces in Taiwan. Foreign Policy Magazine
00:52US says Biden's administration has added more
00:55from the American forces in Taiwan. According to the data of the Ministry of Defense, the American administration deployed about forty soldiers to protect the American Embassy
01:05and the training of the Taiwan forces.
01:07the number of american troops in taiwan added the size of last year , while most military officials do not believe that china
01:17I've made a decision to invade.
01:21in an attempt to secure its borders, which it described as a possible Chinese attack. Taiwan revealed the syndicate
01:28about advanced F-16 fighter planes
01:31where it bought 66 advanced F-16 aircraft from the United States. The Taiwanese army is expected to take over
01:41All planes next year.
01:43Taiwan had conducted air maneuvers on Thursday to review the capabilities of the air planes
01:54Various capabilities owned by F-16 developed planes have made them the focus of many countries that want to buy them
02:03From the United States. What are the most prominent capabilities of the plane?
02:09The F-16 plane has received great attention since it was shown for the first time in the Singapore International Air Show
02:17in 2012.
02:20The plane is the latest version of the fourth generation of American multi-role fighter planes, which were manufactured by
02:29Lockheed Martin.
02:30The aircraft has tremendous capabilities to counter air defenses, including combat air missiles, ground-to-air missiles and naval interceptor missions.
02:40the plane has the ability to detect and track targets of temporal significance
02:46which are difficult to find in all the weather conditions. The upgraded plane witnessed a large turnout by several countries to buy it
02:55Among them are Bahrain, Morocco, Bulgaria, Greece and Korea.