...مرتفعات ان كان آتيا من الغرب بسبب صعوبة ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Heights if he comes from the west because of the difficulty of driving on the road. But the view from up on the beach
00:07You make it worth it.
00:10During the 5th and 6th centuries B.C., we would have seen great similarities
00:18between the Greek city of Athens
00:20And the Greek sicilian cities. The ruins of these ancient cities today are some of the best examples that still exist, such as
00:29The Baystone we just saw.
00:34This Turkish temple is part of the city of old politics, which may seem Greek because of its construction style,
00:43But it's actually built by the regionals
00:46who were the original people of the region during the Greek occupation, and were clearly affected by the emergence of the occupier.
00:54The temple contains thirty six pillars, a simple Turkey, twelve pillars, the left of the eye of the opposite, and six pillars of the left of the eye of the arrivals
01:04You've never smoked in columns,
01:06We saw no evidence of a roof in the past, so the reason why the building was not finished remains a mystery, but during the period of the Roman occupation
01:15The city was largely deserted, and later the Al-Ladan people came from northern Europe and destroyed most of it.
01:23The semi-circular theater connects the top of a nearby hill, with a structure about the same time as the temple, with the structure of a large part of the theater by digging a hillside
01:34It's like a big sculpture. Even today, after about two thousand five hundred years, Greek plays are still performed during the summer
01:44On the south coast of Sicily,
01:46One of the largest archaeological sites in the Mediterranean. The Greek city of Celenos.
01:53The city moved in the year around four hundred B.C.,
01:57From being one of the great cities of the Greek Empire
02:01Into a big pile of rubble. The Carthaginian army, which came from North Africa, besieged the city and finally forced it to surrender.
02:10Salinas was destroyed after that
02:13Her people had been subjected to torture, rape, murder and looting, which had been appalling even in the standards of those days.
02:21The city remained largely invisible until it was rediscovered in the 19th century.
02:27The excavation and reconstruction work began side by side despite the destruction that took place on the city.
02:34But most of the stone sections of the buildings remained solid
02:38If it's possible to reconstruct some of the temples, the temple was partially rebuilt at the beginning of the 20th century
02:47And it's amazing that he found all of these tranq bars
02:51Today, visitors are surprised to stand in front of this operational temple